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C ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017


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How dangerous a little learning is!
What a dangerous thing a little learning is!
Isn't a little learning is a dangerous thing!
What a dangerous a little learning is!
very dangerous
very pleasant
very unpleasant
very ugly
Envious : ঈর্ষাপরায়ণ
Exorcise : প্রমোদ ভ্রমণ
Emigrate : দেশ ত্যাগ করা
Exhort : উপদেশ দ্বারা উৎসাহিত করা
He talks after knowing.
He talks as if he knew everything.
He talks like he knows everything.
He talks knowing everything.
dark colored
a person of unknown past
a horse of bad nature
large horse
museum of minoaqn art
museum of modern art
museum of micenaean art
museum of middle east art
I want to improve my ability of reading.
I want improving my ability of reading.
I want my ability of reading to be improved.
I want my ability to improve of reading.
There is little prospect of the situation improving.
There is little prospect to the situation for improving.
There is little prospect into the situation to improving.
There is little prospect for the situation to improve.
Wilkie Collins Wrote mysteries; his books are suspenseful.
Two important jazz musicians are Louis Armstong - a trumpet player; Duke Ellington - a composer
Mari made her way along the beach, jogging happily.
Charles Chaplin wrote, directed and starred in many film comedies.
Content for the offcanvas goes here. You can place just about any Bootstrap component or custom elements here.